Digital Etiquette

 Digital Etiquette

Here are some bad etiquette we should try to avoid: According to the IIE (2021: 103) “

Don't type in CAPS – it is considered shouting; Typing in all capital                     letters makes any text look aggressive, this give off a negative feed to                     the recipient making them think they did something wrong. 

Don’t spam; This is when a person rapidly and constantly sends you                     texts 

Don’t use offensive language; The use of foul language can either                         aggravate/break someone, like swearing at them.  

Don’t steal other people’s identity; This is a criminal offence stealing                     someone's online accounts/social media accounts and pretend to be                         them. 

Don’t distribute illegal material; Illegal material can vary from drugs, or                 even minority pornographic content online.

Don’t flood; Flooding is sending a lot of mail to a person in a short space                 of time, to their inbox. 

Don’t expect a response straight away; Instant reply is not a must to                    everything because people are busy, the line between instant reply, late                    reply and replying on time is very short, so beware the line.

Don’t broadcast only; engage with others; Communicate with other                    people whether at the work place or social, do not just forward messages                 and disappear.

Don’t ‘reply-all’ for a personal conversation; In the case of personal                    matters, do not respond on reply all on emails because everyone gets                    the email. Example if a colleagues partners is deiced and they email you.
                Don’t ask a question that can be found on the site or on Google; Do                 not ask question that you can research online, but this one is a tough one                 because we get anything and everything online nowadays. This plays a                    factor on certain topics or tasks, so you do not sound arrogant.”


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